Reactive Programming with RSocket and Spring Boot

In this article, we’ll explore the RSocket protocol and its use with Spring Boot

Somnath Musib


RSocket is an application protocol for multiplexed, duplex communication over TCP, WebSocket, and other byte stream transports such as Aeron. RSocket allows the following four communication models as shown in following figure 1:

Figure 1 Communication models in RSocket protocol. In the Fire-and-Forget pattern, a client sends one message and expect no response from the server. In the Request-Response pattern, the client sends one message and receives one back from the server. In the Request-Stream pattern, a client sends one message and expects a stream of messages in response from the server. In the Channel pattern, the client and server send streams of messages to each other



Somnath Musib

Software Developer, Cloud Architect | Author "Spring Boot In Practice" . Find more at